The Board of Directors of the National Bureau for Non Governmental Organisations
The Board of Directors of the National Bureau for Non Governmental Organisations
The Bureau has a board of directors as its governing body, appointed by the minister with the approval of cabinet. The board is constituted of a chairperson, vice chair person, two representatives from the Non Governmental Organisations Sector and three other persons who must be citizens of Uganda, and of high moral character with proven integrity. The board has committees and sub committees that may be assigned functions for efficient performance of its functions.
The bureau also has management staff like the executive director, secretary and other staff. The Board members tenure is for only 3 years and are eligible for re election for another term.
Functions of the board include;
- Overseeing implementation of the Bureau’s policies and programmes in the NGO sector.
- Reviewing and approving strategic plans of the bureau.
- Reviewing and approving annual plans and budget of the Bureau.
- Approving annual reports and accounts of the Bureau.
- Establishing and approving rules and procedures for proper financial management and accountability of the Bureau.
- Determining and reviewing structure and staffing levels.
- Appointing staff of the Bureau.
- Establishing and approving rules and procedures for appointment, discipline, termination of services and general personnel matters.
- Determining and reviewing terms and conditions of service of the staff of the bureau.
- Etc
Remuneration of the Board members is by Ministry of finance. The board has powers to establish committees and sub committees and delegate them functions for efficient performance of the boards work. Members of these committees may be from within the board itself.