Different types of marks which can be registered in Uganda
Different types of marks which can be registered in Uganda
- A Service mark. This is a trademark that is used for advertisement of services. For example a hotel can register its mark for its services. Businesses use service marks to identify their services and distinguish them from the services of their competitors.
- A Collective mark. This is a trademark that distinguishes the goods and services of members of an association from those of any other undertaking. Collective marks usually belong to a group or association of enterprise. Their use is reserved to the members of such group or association.
- Certification mark. This is a mark indicating that the goods or services in connection with which it is used are certified by the proprietor of the mark in respect of the origin, mode or manufacture of goods, quality and other characteristics. The certification mark may only be used in accordance with the defined standards.
- Defensive mark. This is a trademark applied for by a trademark owner of a well known trademark for goods and or services that are not intended to be used by that owner. The purpose of filing a defensive mark is to reduce the possibility of other traders using the trademark for unrelated goods or services because the use of the trademark by a third party may cause confusion in the market place. For example the owners of Sumsung trademark which is widely known for electronics may register the same mark for other goods or services which may be plastics, beverages among others in order to prevent others from using the mark.
- An Associated mark. This is a trademark that is identical to another trademark which is registered or is the subject of an application for registration in the name of the same person in respect of similar goods.