Special obligations of an NGO operating in Uganda
- 44 outlines the special obligations of NGO that an organization shall;-
- Not carry out activities in any part of the country unless it has received the approval of the DNMCs and Local Government of that area and signed a memorandum of understanding with the Local Government to that effect.
- Not extend its operations to any new areas beyond the area it is permitted to operate unless it has received a recommendation from the Bureau through the DNMC.
- Co-operate with local councils in its area and the relevant DNMC and SNMC.
- Not engage in any act which is prejudicial to the security and laws of Uganda.
- Restrict its operations to the area in which it is permitted to operate under the permit.
- Not engage in any act which is prejudicial to the interests of Uganda and the dignity of the people of Uganda.
- Be non partisan and shall not engage in fundraising or campaigning to support of oppose any political party or support or propose to register a candidate for a political office.
- Have a memorandum of understanding with its donors, sponsors, affiliates, local or foreign partners specifying the terms and conditions of ownership, employment, resource mobilization for the organization.