Uganda Trademark search – Why you need the study
Uganda Trademark search – Why you need the study
During trademark registration process in Uganda, objections may arise for several causes: similarity with a previous trademark (graphic or phonetic), similarity with a notorious famous, trademark too generic, etc. Trademark Comprehensive Study will help you identify potential obstacles so you can properly evaluate your chances of registration.
What trademark search should cover
Trademark Comprehensive Study should include the following sections:
a) Class Identification: Trademarks are registered in classes; the search report should define the classes for your trademark according the description that you provide the trademark attorney.
b) Trademark Search: Based on defined Classes, trademark attorney should perform an in depth search of existing registered trademarks, identifying the ones that have graphic/phonetic similarities.
c) Analysis and Recommendation: Based on the search results, a trademark attorney should offer overall recommendations regarding the trademark registration probabilities.
Before filing your trademark in Uganda it is important that you evaluate possible obstacles that may arise during registration process. Trademark search will not only list similar trademarks (graphic/phonetic) found in the official Uganda Trademark Database that may conflict with yours, but also give you an Attorney’s opinion about registration possibilities. This trademark search report is optional but highly recommended.